I'm currently undecided about which direction to go into. Wheel-throwing has been a challenge for me for the longest time so it would be valuable to get additional practice in to try to overcome my demons. However, the clean-up time associated with wheel-throwing is very long. Also, I usually end up with lots of tiny uneven pieces.
Hand-building is easier for me and I'm more confident in knowing that I'll end up with something decent. There's much less risk. However, I won't be stretching my skills as much.
I haven't done a sculptural piece since high school. It takes time and I think it might be fun to do something creative, but it would require more dedicated time and if something goes wrong, I won't have much to show for the summer. Also, I'll need to find space for a larger sculptural piece.
Still undecided about what I want to focus on, but I'd like to have a plan before class starts.